the ludicrous blog

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just Because It's Free...

Go ahead - Zombify Yourself!

Must be another novel way to prepare oneself for the announced (and never really to be forthcoming at all though) ''zombie apocalypse'' - which is, of course, a phenomenally spectacular oxymoron since the true meaning of ''apocalypsos'' has to do with things hidden being finally revealed (REVELATIONS - rings a bell, All You Zombies out there?) and as such, thus, a ''zombie apocalypse'' makes little sense indeed: for what could half-dead, definitely brain-dead (hence their silly hunger for brains - braaaaains!)  old coots have of any importance (or be knowledgeable about) in order to REVEAL it to the rest of us?!? The only thing(s) zombies may have to REVEAL to us, is their entrails! Yuccch! Clearly, it doesn't hold - just as a zombie won't, after repeated strategically-aimed blows, thankfully!
But we are digressing - right off the bat - uggh!

Actually, in the original ad from which this perplexing computer-generated image comes from, they say to "zombie yourself" - but that is simply because their brains are already under the effects of tetrodotoxin or something...! Now, Medscape will not tell you about it - but How Stuff Works will! Tetrodotoxin is not to be messed with - it is really not good for thy brain! But that is another story, really...

We do not believe that the folks behind the publicity above actually want fools to mess with such poisons and render themselves -or others- neuro-vegetative: surely not. But just making fun of those victims that did get exposed to this stuff, either by accident or through actual malice of another, is in extreme poor taste, of course. Almost as much as George Romero-type of antics are, truly...

It's a waste of time, pure and simple - and even if it is only done on your computer, don't you have a better use for your Mac than THAT...?



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