the ludicrous blog

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Boston's Criminal Cohorts = GOP

If Ben Affleck's 'The Town' is actually helping solve the USA's ever-ballooning-out-of-control debt crisis - then it is yet another sign that the end is ever *nigher* indeed! (I'm not high - I typed *nigher* not nigh! Writer's prerogative - so sue me, willya?!?)

Amidst the usual flurry of scandals (such as congressman David Wu resigning amidst sex allegations -just like that other guy did a while back, among so many others- Barack Obama having a big mouth and his inability to solve the debt ceiling riddle -flanked by his own Nancy Drew (Pelosi) and Harry Rule (Reid)- being likened to *Political Football* by some...!) - and here we hear of this now:

Ben Affleck's pathetic character in the movie "The Town" served as an inspiration of sorts when it (and, mostly, its criminal cohort) made an appearance at a House Republican meeting... The Washington Post reported that House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (let's say it now: The New McCarthyism Has Come - and never say it again!) meant to inspire the troops' moral, see? He brought this clip and played it for his fellow lawmakers "in an effort to promote the same sense of unity that only criminal cohorts from Boston can understand," as Cassandra Garrison from Metro succinctly attempted to make sense of it - tongue firmly in cheek.

Here is the clip in question:

Inspirational, is it not?

As it is being spun around now, it truly was an attempt to pump up the peeps in congress and "get everyone to agree on a plan to solve the debt ceiling standoff."

As you can plainly see for yourselves, this short scene from "The Town" is immensely inspiring: it is about sticking together, doing what is necessary to do, standing united - not asking too many questions, too. It is about... being unethical, if you ask me! Yet, this is the scene that McCarthy played for his peeps! The scene that, Ben Affleck’s uninspired acting helping and all, is being deemed to be THE BEST SCENE in that entire movie! Amazingly ironic that, given that uninspiring, insipid portrayal and line-delivery, it still manages to attract the attention of McCarthy and his P.R. people (not to mention hordes of motivational speakers affected to the GOP and such! Affected - by Aflac! What a slogan: I just couldn't resist! But I know, I know: I am digressing...)

And so - where was I? Ah yes - Affleck's character, Doug MacRay! He comes up, out of nowhere (non-plot helping here) to his bank robber friend Jem Coughlin, played by a much better actor named Jeremy Renner. Affleck then delivers MacRay's lines so monotonously that you can barely guess that this is, in fact, a rallying cry of sorts - and, in fact, a desperate cry for help. (See, now, there is indeed a correlation to be made between this bank robber's dilemma and McCarthy's situation! The names also ring well together: McCarthy-MacRay... Plus: isn't bank robbing essentially the same thing that a GOP guy wants to do, at this point? But we are digressing again...)

And so the bank robber says to his old friend: “I need your help. I can’t tell you what it is. You can never ask me about it later. And we’re going to hurt some people.”

WHAT A GREAT FEW LINES DIALOGUE THAT WE HAVE HERE - alas, delivered quite pathetically by a comatose Ben. Still - IT INSPIRES...

It inspires his buddy's great one-liner, at least! For, in response, the character of Jem Coughlin simply asks, “Whose car are we gonna take?” - proving that in him MacRay has indeed the greatest and most reliable of allies. Again, the most redeeming traits for a GOP member and anyone close to a position within the American government: sticking together, doing what is necessary to do, standing united - not asking too many questions! And here is the perfect example of that: in a movie featuring two small-time criminals from Bawshton! (Hmm... Why wasn't Jem Coughlin played by Matt Damon, I wonder? To busy being Bourne again or hanging out with Ocean's Fourteen-Fifteen-Sour Sixteen, to be bothered, eh? Methinks the Damon needs to spend a little time in the attitude-Adjustment Bureau... Hmm? He did? Oh, okay then... Carry on!)

Never mind the fact that the criminal cohorts from Boston (the City of Champions - not of Crime! With the Bruins, Celtics, Patriots and Red Sox all winning major championships in the last seven years! WHAT A SEVEN-YEAR ITCH! WHAT A RUSH! What - another digression? BUT WHAT A GREAT ONE THIS TIME! Okay; let's move on...!) - so, never mind the fact that they probably get shot full of holes in their "brand new car" and that's THE END...! (Well, actually, I don't know, really...! Didn't see "The Town" - and I don't plan to! So I cannot, in all fairness, add the words "spoilers alert" - since I merely extrapolate and deduce a logical ending for that fiasco on film...! Again - let's move on...)

In the aforementioned METRO article, Cassandra Garrison quips that "in an optimistic move, outspoken Republican Representative Allen West reportedly then stood up and said, “I’m ready to drive the car.” after viewing the clip brought by McCarthy.

Next they'll be willing to inspire themselves from the Sopranos when they sever heads and hands from bodies, in order to prevent police from identifying the corpses too soon...!

Cassandra Garrison is hopeful that we don't have maniacal psyches in power, though, and voices that innocent belief in her final paragraph about this when she states that "if by "hurt some people," these GOP colleagues are saying they are ready to move forward with an agreement that will prevent the government from defaulting on its debt, (then) we are all for it."

That's right, that's right - let us support all the crazy zaniness that can go on in Washington - as long as it doesn't actually cause the apocalypse, hmm?

And that it isn't outright (or too obviously) detrimental to "the people"...!

The fact is, as far as American politics are concerned, there's worse still to report: ludicrous news such as this was also reported on Metro and elsewhere...
Stephen Colbert gets official permission to form his 'Super PAC'

How resourceful, Colbert - if you and others such as you put in but an iota of their resourcefulness into solving your country's actual problems (and I do mean your country - and only yours - don't think about "ssaving the free world" as you are "the leader of the free world" - don't bother about Greece, Portugal, Ireland and the others - JUST CONCENTRATE ON YOUR OWN PROBLEMS, and they are many, IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD!)

My, Colbert - what a great place it would be if you did as I just said...!

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