Robber's Remorse: It's Not A Myth!?
Somebody in Wisconsin appears to be genuinely afflicted, anyhow!
Long thought to be but the silliest of myths, "robber's remorse" apparently can occur - in rare cases only though!
If you've just robbed someone blind and you THINK that you may be feeling this extremely rare series of symptoms (genuine regret followed by an honest compulsion to return whatever the loot may be comprised of - and a sincere hope to "make it all better" for your victim!) then you probably have committed the following mistakes:
- You overindulged in your robbery spree!
- You left too many clues behind; making it imperative to have thy victim "on your side" soon - when the cops come a'knockin!
- Or... You simply chose the wrong person to rob!
Next time, make sure you steal from a complete jerk who DESERVES it - and there should be no robber's remorse!
There almost never is anyway - but that's because most thieves are heartless!
That's another story - for another blog!